Le Recensioni delle Avventure Grafiche per PC.
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Messaggi: 4666
Iscritto il: 02/03/2009, 15:20
Ha espresso il “Mi piace”: 25 volte
Mi piace ricevuti: 80 volte


Messaggio da Giuseppe »

ImmagineCome, Little Red Riding Hood, here's a piece of cake and a bottle of wine for her grandmother, is weak and ill, and rest. Get in before it gets too hot and when you're out, go 'from good, without leaving the road, and if not, you fall and break the bottle and the grandmother is still empty-handed. And when you enter her room, do not forget to say good morning rather than look at every corner. "
Here's how it begins the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood .... Fairytale adventure with graphics on the developer's Tale of Tales. Perhaps we think that the game is faithful to the story .. well .. no .. as a slightly different script. The aim should be that of the fable: bring food to sick grandmother crossing a path in the woods, and as we know, leaving it without entering into the forest to avoid the dangers ... it will be like that? One of the differences is that the character will not be "Little Red Riding Hood", but six sisters living in an apartment in the city. The teenagers, one by one, are responsible for going to Grandma's house remembering to stay on the path (The Path). The "wolves" are waiting only to be lost in the woods. The young are not exactly known for their obedience, can they resist the temptation of the forest? Do they remain aware of the danger? The story we know all of this and the boys have wanted to give them a particular mark, creating some diversity in my opinion valuable, apart from the fact that there is only one "Little Red Riding Hood", it adds that it is a "horror" by the dramatic aspects .. but let's go with order to understand better. The game starts with six sisters in one room, you must choose one (no matter which one) and walk along the path. Still on the trail you come by her grandmother, and all ends well with the game resumed from the beginning with all six sisters ... .. isn't it strange? That's it?
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It would be too boring and obvious, so here's the idea of developers: the girls must go into the forest, meet the "wolf" that turn into "Zombie" for this ... .. and find out just playing !!!!!!! Of course it was not only limited to this, but you need to locate objects and finally a place where he met the "wolf". This seems so easy if not for the fact that the forest on either side of the path is infinite, then you should run a lot but not by yourself ... you'll have as company a young girl white dressed that guide you to search the objects and the lair of the " wolf ", which is not the animal we know, but a kind of scale that varies in order to the character chosen. Once met death arrives and then waking up on the street as a "not dead" at this point just come into the house of his grandmother and automatically follow the path, it comes from you and .... And then come back on automatically initial stage to select your new "Little Red Riding Hood." At first glance may seem an unrealistic story and very misleading, but if you look good all the points shows that in the end of the day is not far from the real story when the wolf ate the grandmother, in which case the wolf "instigated" the girl at .... so if we could be "Little Red Riding Hood" reinterpreted in modern times. I find the idea is very original and comes up a lot to the style adopted in 3D graphics. At first glance it may seem quite simple and bare, but if analyzed thoroughly you notice several things very neat and well delineated. The colors are very vivid and well mixed with the scene, and has been re-created the perfect atmosphere "horror" in the forest and in the house. In the game we perceives a kind of serenity in the area that is suggested by the light but remains always a certain "visual anxiety." The characters are not only the "Little Red Riding Hood", but also six more others that we will meet in the forest, and they are all been made very well, each of us with an own personality, good graphics and finishing, very specific movements associated with adolescent personality. The happy note, that unfortunately is lacking in several Ag, is that nothing is passive but all that lies in the different environments is active: falling leaves, birds in flight and rest in the ground, stand up when we get in a few words .. well done all. A note of merit must be given to the sound produced by Jarboe , who has done a fantastic job. The music is worthy of a "horror-fable", perfect in tune with the setting and accompanied by sound of "white items" to highlight the fact that you have in front some teenagers, taking into effectively the "suspense" of each moment.
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Let the technical aspect of the interface which at first glance may be complex, but we need just few minutes to use it. First there is the cursor, hence no "point and click" and the characters are driven by the keyboard, mouse or joystick .. do not be afraid, is simple. With the mouse you can only drive the person holding the left button to make it move forward. To change direction simply rotate the mouse and it will rotate 360 °.
With the keyboard using the arrow keys to move forward, turn left or right. There will be made and the actions in this case we have to use other keys as the key "shift" to run, pressing "Enter" to confirm a choice how to collect an item that will end in the inventory. Pressing "Esc" to access a list with several items where the most important are: the inventory (visible light pressed the space bar), where you will see items collected should not be used because they are only there for the score final, "help" means that the keys to use and their function, and the "options" where you can change various parameters, "shooting" game and "start over" from the beginning. There are no items "load" and "save" it saves automatically after a certain time that you can set options (the set to "auto save on quit", so save as many times as you exit the game). At this point I found it out of place if you exit the game at any time and then again with the same character, does not resume from the point but saved from the beginning, and choosing the same character you have found items before, but we redo all the way to where you stopped exiting the game.
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Needless to reiterate that adventurers want riddles in The Path that are non-existent, the purpose is not to deactivate or activate machinery, chemical formulas and all the rest .... The game was designed with a different philosophy, and riddles that are to explore the whole forest, collect what is available up to the lair of the "wolf". Earlier it was mentioned to the girl dressed in white, it was with her, follow and will help you find items and places together with a special character .. lair of the wolf included. Each of the six girls has an own place and how we can interact in only one awarded to them, find them is not easy, because as already said the forest is huge, so we are in support of transparent flash on the screen indicating what you can find in that area: if appear footprints means that in that direction there is a hole and you will recognize from a large, bright light, if there are flowers means that you must collect them and so on ... .. It will be at the discretion of the player where to find just the "wolf" or collect the most items possible in order to have a good final score.
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The final impressions are more positive that this adventure / horror. A good innovation and a different way of playing that definitely leave a mark. The game is very well structured with good graphics, a sound in accordance with best practice and an easy learning. Longevity could be quantified in 6-7 hours, if you do not want to try everything and unlikely to happen, then there is the possibility of re-play several times just for the curiosity to collect all items that will always be more than 100 ... The Path is not spoken in English but only text, I guarantee you that there will be problems because the only advice on what to do at that time. I said now this point for the simple fact that the price is € 9.90 - and then only to confirm that the value for money is excellent regardless of the language of the game.
The Path is now available for online purchase only on the official site in the future it seems that you can buy in stores.
The horror. A good innovation and a different way of playing that definitely leave a mark.

Do not miss it or become "Zombie". Link to buy online

Rating 85/100
By Dania
Thanks to the Tale of Tales to send the game.

* Windows XP, Vista
* 2 Ghz CPU
* 1 GB of RAM
* Supports the latest video cards, Geforce or Radeon x6xx. Not supported the integrated video.
* You can play with keyboard, mouse or gamepad. Logitech GamePads and XBox 360 controllers are supported.

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Messaggi: 4666
Iscritto il: 02/03/2009, 15:20
Ha espresso il “Mi piace”: 25 volte
Mi piace ricevuti: 80 volte


Messaggio da Giuseppe »

Good Dania

Good job bancorn

e sicuramente ora ci copieranno anche questo!
Fortuna vostra che esisto...

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Messaggi: 8455
Iscritto il: 05/03/2009, 22:41


Messaggio da mammapina »

Good Dania

Good job bancorn

e sicuramente ora ci copieranno anche questo!

:roll: ne saranno capaci??? :lol: :lol:

Thank you Dania!!!
La vita è un videogioco...Le delusioni?..un livello da superare!!
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Messaggi: 4666
Iscritto il: 02/03/2009, 15:20
Ha espresso il “Mi piace”: 25 volte
Mi piace ricevuti: 80 volte


Messaggio da Giuseppe »

Good Dania

Good job bancorn

e sicuramente ora ci copieranno anche questo!

:roll: ne saranno capaci??? :lol: :lol:

Thank you Dania!!!

Beh..credo di sì, vedo che copiano bene!
Fortuna vostra che esisto...

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Messaggi: 8455
Iscritto il: 05/03/2009, 22:41


Messaggio da mammapina »

Good Dania

Good job bancorn

e sicuramente ora ci copieranno anche questo!

:roll: ne saranno capaci??? :lol: :lol:

Thank you Dania!!!

Beh..credo di sì, vedo che copiano bene!
Ah :roll: certo facendo il copia-incolla ci possono riuscire :lol: :lol:
La vita è un videogioco...Le delusioni?..un livello da superare!!
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Messaggi: 1616
Iscritto il: 07/03/2009, 22:53


Messaggio da Puccina »

Congratulations on your excellent work Dania fonzie12345
Truly a well done review...... 79797979
We hope to read more of your work soon........bye!
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Messaggi: 10689
Iscritto il: 05/03/2009, 21:00
Mi piace ricevuti: 3 volte


Messaggio da Electranovembre »

Bravissima Dania bacbac

@Pina sono capaci di tutto...per loro copiare non è certo un problema...anzi....
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Messaggi: 8455
Iscritto il: 05/03/2009, 22:41


Messaggio da mammapina »

Bravissima Dania bacbac

@Pina sono capaci di tutto...per loro copiare non è certo un problema...anzi....

:roll: è proprio vero Electra,hai ragione :grin: bacbac
La vita è un videogioco...Le delusioni?..un livello da superare!!
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Messaggi: 3370
Iscritto il: 05/03/2009, 16:57


Messaggio da Linfadoro »

Finish the off topic please. :cry:
I don't want to appoint anyone, but those who have ears to understand, silence! :twisted:
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Messaggi: 4666
Iscritto il: 02/03/2009, 15:20
Ha espresso il “Mi piace”: 25 volte
Mi piace ricevuti: 80 volte


Messaggio da Giuseppe »

ospiti toscani in lettura!
Fortuna vostra che esisto...

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